Editorial cartoon of the day

Cruz stands up to that idiot Cruz

As we saw in yesterday’s blog entry, Senator Cruz spoke for many hours about how important it is to not vote for closure and instead to stand against it in order to defund Obamacare. He was quite serious about this.

Well, fortunately, today, he met his enemy, in the form of a certain Senator Cruz, who voted for closure despite everything Senator Cruz had said the day earlier.

Good thing we have senators like Senator Cruz who are willing to stand up to terrible senators like Senator Cruz.

Cruz in for a Bruisin’

As I write this, Senator Cruz is in some sort of semi-fillibuster mode in a useless and futile attempt to — well, I’m not sure. He says he wants to stop Obamacare, but this won’t do it. Certainly his own party leaders don’t support this. Cruz is just sucking up to the Tea Party crazies who like to bang their heads against the wall and constantly complain, because no matter what Obama does for them, he continues to stubbornly remain black. Or something. I’m not quite sure of their logic.ted-cruz

Obamacare passed both Houses. It was signed by the President. The Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. Forty-two attempts to repeal it have failed. It’s not going away.

Most of its provisions have already gone into effect and are showing to be successful. My insurance rates have risen every year for the past ten years and for the first time, I am able to negotiate (because the companies can no longer turn me down for my wife’s pre-existing condition) and how about that? My rates are going down, and that’s in a state with a Tea Party governor doing everything possible to thwart the law.

What the Republicans are really worried about is not that the program will fail. They are worried it will be successful — that people will like it, and then blame them for trying to prevent it.

After all, they have shown over and over again that they don’t really care about anything except getting re-elected and helping their wealthy donors. That’s why we have seen a grand total of zero job bills passed by the Republicans.

Ted Cruz is becoming the new face of that party, which is not making the party leadership happy. Then again, they invited this. Instead of standing up to the Tea Party extremists, they catered to them. And now they have to deal with it.

And they’re not the only ones suffering because of it.

Another case for the Birthers

You know those Birther people – the ones who claim that Obama can’t be a legitimate President because his father wasn’t an American? This despite the fact that he was born in America, and his mother was an American from Kansas (and as we know any child born of an American is a “natural born” American)?

Donald Trump and a bunch of others won’t let the issue go, convinced that this should have kept him from being President.

Well, now there’s another person thinking of running for President. Get this — we have absolute proof that he was born in Canada, and he doesn’t even deny it! Worse yet, his father was a non-citizen from Cuba! Clearly, all the Birthers are falling over themselves to prevent him from being President, using the exact same logic they use against Obama!

Oh, wait. This person, Ted Cruz, is a Republican. And a conservative. And white (well, Latino white, so that’s close enough.)

That makes all the difference in the world.